Do You Want Phenomenal Success?
Right or Almost Right is based on John Haremza’s 25 years of success in network marketing.
It’s John’s answer to the questions so many ask such as, “Where’s the money? Why am I not seeing the success I expected?” As John says, “I meet so many intelligent, hard-working, dedicated network marketers who are struggling. They are not seeing the results they expected, and they always ask, “Why?” John believes that the small subtleties of how the network marketing business is done make the big difference between making a little money versus making a lot of money, between success and struggling. He addresses many of the basics of doing “the business,” from prospecting to leading your organization, and points out what is “right” as compared to what is “almost right.” John has lived every example contained in his book. “Network marketing changed my life beyond my wildest imagination,” says John.
His story is amazing, from living in a trailer park to a well-known network marketing leader. And his story can help you to make your dreams come true too!
Why Network Marketing
This booklet will help you to understand the life changing power of network marketing. How the everyday person can go from ordinary to extraordinary.
Belief in network marketing is one of the key elements for your success. In this booklet you will really understand what network marketing is and what it is not. Things like where the money comes from, where these big commissions are able to be earned. Why network marketing typically has a higher quality of product than traditional marketing. How you are able to reach people that other methods of distribution simply can not and much more.
Everything is a product of your mindset. Positive or negative, Productive, or destructive, Even the way you see yourself, your relationships, and your world. Everything comes from your mindset. There is no doubt that success starts in your mind.
Small Steps to the Top
The small step philosophy is to help you understand the impact of every decision you make. Regardless of how small or insignificant it may seem at the time it makes a difference. Every decision/ step contributes to the outcome of your day, your week, and your life.
Overcoming Objections
Sometimes we forget that the path to getting a positive decision is not always instantaneous. This booklet offers simple techniques that can help you overcome some of the most common objections faced in network marketing. Such as, is this a pyramid? Who sells the product? I don’t have any time, I don’t have any money, I cant sell and much more.
John Haremza
Right or Almost Right is based on John Haremza’s 25 years of success in network Marketing
It’s John’s answer to the questions so many ask such as,
“Where’s the money?

Why am I not seeing the success I expected?”
As John says, “I meet so many intelligent, hard-working, dedicated network marketers who are struggling. They are not seeing the results they expected, and they always ask, “Why?” John believes that the small subtleties of how the network marketing business is done make the big difference between making a little money versus making a lot of money, between success and struggling.
He addresses many of the basics of doing “the business,” from prospecting to leading your organization, and points out what is “right” as compared to what is “almost right.” John has lived every example contained in his book. “Network marketing changed my life beyond my wildest imagination,” says John.